Supersized Vision Gifts

Last Thursday I went to Toastmasters fully expecting to be able to share about the previous Thursday where I was the winner in the Area Toastmasters International Speech Contest.  I brought my trophies.  I was late because of having a “discussion” with my son prior to leaving.

They had bets on whether or not I’d be late today, with the celebration at hand. LOL  Someone bought supper! 

Anyway, I really had no expectations of sharing anything until the end of the meeting.  That’s when we usually share our outside speaking engagements, or events where Toastmasters has supported us.

One of the ladies of our group had a speech.  Nice!  I always enjoy them, especially this lady’s speeches.  Some how she always gets the tears flowing for me as she shares from her personal experience.  She’s truly a gifted speaker. 

I didn’t think anything of it.  It was a project from her next manual.  She already has her Competent Communicator designation.

This project was “Acknowledging a Friend” or something like that.

It ended up she acknowledged me!

So, first Vision Gift, someone doing a speech about me.  Can I supersize this?  Yes, and I can feel the butterflies of that prospect.

It was wonderful to hear some of the things she shared.  Apparently she thought I owned the stage at the contest!  I did feel more comfortable than I expected, and it was really cool to hear someone else’s experience too.

Second Vision Gift.  Can I supersize the stage?  Yes!  And I can also feel the butterflies of this too!

I’m Stretching with these!

The Third Vision Gift?  That was coming, and it triggered the biggest set of butterflies yet!

After the speech, I was feeling warm, fuzzy and a bit teary.  It was an awesome gift, and I was and am truly grateful.


The whole group stood up and gave m my first Standing Ovation.

Yes, I buried my face in my hands. I couldn’t help the tears.  I was surprised, and grateful.

Can I supersize THIS?  Yes! And oh man the butterflies! Supersized Butterflies!

I’ve learned that if the butterflies don’t come, it’s either not much of a vision, or, sometimes, the vision is so far out I can’t sense the feeelings yet. The fact that I can feeel the butterflies is really quite exciting!

Have you received some Vision Gifts lately? They can be from personal experiences, or from observing someone else’s experience. 

Can you supersize them? 

Do the butterflies come?

Are you ready to S-t-r-e-t-c-h?

All it takes is a little imagination!

I have to been so inspired over the last few days by one of my friend, Karen Kay.  If you’re on Twitter, she’s @KarenKay.

As some of you may know, Pat O’Bryan has opened the doors to his Unseminar6, and Karen decided she wanted to go. 

It started out with “If I do get to come and I hope I do” when Pat started thinking about US6.

Once the details came out about the when and where, instead of thinking “I can’t do it”, it went to “How can I do this?”

She shares more of her Adventure here, and it’s well worth the read!

What started out as a Maybe has exploded into a YES!

What was her Creative Spark?  She’ll be a walking Advertisement all weekend at Unseminar6.  People from all over the web have sponsored her to be there by purchasing advertising on her shirt!

Another friend, Tam of Teach Heal Create jumped on board and created  How’s that for inspired friendship?  She’ll be a walking Advertisement as well, so more people can sponsor Karen Kay!

A bunch of us began tweeting about it over at Twitter, and then some random tweeting began!  People were amused by the Boobvertising, and started to share!

I’m so inspired by Karen.  Not only is she a wonderful individual, she’s brilliantly creative!

Been dreaming about something?

Let your creativity flow.  Brainstorm with other Creatives.  Be open.

If you really really REALLY want it, you CAN make it happen.

You inspire me, Karen!


Dream BIG! (It’s worth it!)

Velma Gallant
The Queen of JOY!


Wouldn’t it be FUN to JOY RIDE through Life?  Driving Lessons here!


When we first Vision, we get excited. We set goals and intentions. We see some of how we can get from here to there, and we begin moving.

Then, as we get busy in our lives, the distractions come in. Perhaps an unexpected bill came in. Someone in the family got sick, so that grabbed our attention.

Before long, our Vision has been pulled off of our Vision, and we are back in the humdrum of everyday living.

Weeks, months, and perhaps even years pass by, and all of the sudden we realize that we did not achieve our Vision.

That can be frustrating, and it can upset you enough to abandon your Original Vision, if you let it.

What do you do about it?

We’ve all heard about the 80/20 Rule. This Rule also applies to The Law of Attraction, and The Law of Deliberate Creation.

Spend 20% of your time noticing what’s not working and what you don’t want.

Spend 80% of your time noticing what IS working, and what you do want, and taking action from that place.

You’ve noticed that you’ve been distracted from your Vision. Great! Noticing where you are allows the course change. 20% done.

Now begins the 80%.

Step 1 ~ Assess

What was your Original Vision? How much of this still applies?

What else did you learn during your recent Distraction Phase? A Distraction is never invaluable if you take away great information from it.

Step 2 ~ Re-Vision

Keep those pieces of your Original Vision that are still important to you. Add in new details that you learned from your Distraction Phase.

Sometimes these Distraction Phases occur to give you more clarity than you had before. You may have new desires. Old desires may have shifted or lost their meaning.

Step 3 ~ Adjust Your Course

With the new details provided with your Revision, you’ll find that new Action Steps come to light. The Distraction Phase may have also provided you with new resources to achieve your Vision as well. Often new knowledge, mentors and connection come in through the Distraction Phase and provide you with much needed information and inspiration.

Once you notice you’ve been nudged off course by the normal experiences of life, don’t worry. You haven’t done anything wrong, or missed any important opportunities. You likely have gained valuable information and insight to support you with the next phase of your Adventure.

It’s simply an opportunity for you to Re-Vision.


Velma Gallant, aka The Queen of JOY, is an author, international speaker and Lazer Clarity Coach. She hosts her highly acclaimed internet radio show, Welcome Changes Radio where she interviews exciting and dynamic guests such as Neale Donald Walsch, Mike Dooley, Joe Vitale and many more. Velma coaches Executives and Entrepreneurs to live joy-filled lives by connecting to and honouring the True Essence of who they are. Velma can be contacted through her website,


Permission to reprint is granted provided the article is reproduced as is, without changes or additions, including the author biography.

The More Fun You Have…The More Fun You Have!

I’ve noticed this a lot around the web, and within my own life.

It’s way too easy to get caught up in over-thinking projects.

“Am I doing it right?”

“Am I missing something?”

“What’s the right way?”

The problem with this is it takes ALL the FUN out of it!

When did we stop having fun?  Honestly, the minute we really started thinking.

When we were kids, it was all about the fun.  When we “grew up”, we left our hearts and promptly began living from our heads.

I truly wonder what would happen if we went back to the fun?

Would we start living more Authentically?

Would our stress levels drop?

Would our relationships improve (with ourselves and others)?

Would our health improve?

YES on all levels!

The minute I stopped Working and started Plurking (play+work=plurk) all of the above happened.

Do I still catch myself heading up on into the brain?  Yup!

How do I cure that?

If I can’t find a way to have fun in my project, I put it down for a sec and head on out to do something fun.

Sometimes it’s playing on Twitter.  Sometimes it’s calling a friend.  Sometimes it’s watching a funny movie.

When the going gets tough…Go Play!

Play play play…it’s all a game anyway.

Dream BIG!

Velma Gallant
The Queen of JOY!

Redefining: When Things Don’t Happen Fast Enough

Like the river, so is our lives.  There are rapids, steady parts, and the calm pools.  When things slow down, enjoy the calm pools.  Things will pick up, and you’ll be grateful for the slow period you received.

So if you get to pick what this "calm pool" means to you, what would you pick?  What would be fun?  What would be playful?  What would feeeeeeel good?

Dream BIG!

Velma Gallant
The Queen of JOY!

PS ~ Nothing has meaning until we think it does, so you really do get to pick the meaning of your Calm Pool.

PPS ~ Play with this question in our Joy Journal!