To See, Look Inside

It’s funny.  The older I get, the less often I look to others to figure out what it is I truly want.

As children, we are told what we should want, and eventually, I believe we stop looking inside and instead look for approval for our wants and desire. They are transformed from desires to shoulds.  We should want a high paying job, a large home, a family with the 2.5 kids (or however many kids they say).

“Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakens.”~Carl Jung

But what if, as you pursue these “shoulds”, you feel your heart screaming for something else?  Will you stop and listen?

JOY Challenge:

What does MY Heart want for me today, and what would it take for me to give that to myself?

The Great Values of Life

Nothing, it seems to me, is as important as our values.

"Beauty, truth, friendship, love, creation – these are the great values of life. We can’t prove them, or explain them, yet they are the most stable things in our lives." ~ Jesse Herman Holmes

Beauty, Truth, Friendship, Love, Creation.  No matter what is going on in your life, if you actively seek these things in your life, you can be happy no matter what is going on.  Look for the beauty all around you.  Seek truth over opinions or thoughts.  Surround yourself with friends and family.  Express only love.  Create and appreciate Creation.

JOY Challenge:

Actively seek and journal about the Beauty, Truth, Friendship, Love and Creation in your life today.

Do You Measure Up?

Of course you do!

“There isn’t a ruler, a yard stick or a measuring tape in the entire world long enough to compute the STRENGTH and capabilities inside you.” ~ Paul Meyer

We are all born with our own gifts and strengths, and sometimes it takes just a little bit of remembering to uncover them.

For whatever reason we get distracted by those things we think we SHOULD be able to do.

Let me ask you a question.  Would others be allowed to shine if you were able to do every single thing under the sun?  Would any of us be given opportunities to give of ourselves to others if we knew how to do everything?

Rather than trying to fill in your perceived blanks, rediscover your gifts and let them shine! Use your gifts and strengths to give to and support others.

You are magnificent, just the way you are!

JOY Challenge:

How can I use one of my gifts, strengths or talents in service today?

Always Growing!

It’s less than a week until I drive through the beautiful mountains of Alberta and BC to head to Gateway 2 Ranch.  I’ll be spending a week with Liz Mitten Ryan and her horses.

I had the honour of interviewing Liz for Welcome Changes Radio, and the show was incredible!  Check out the downloads to listen or download the show.

After pre-recording the interview, I decided to register for her workshop in August.  I got that “feeling”.  You know…that excited feeling that tells you you just HAVE TO do this?

I got another email from her, reminding me to bring a day pack and such.  She also told me that there’s an opening, and that if someone wants to come to this workshop on August 16th, that they can have a 15% discount.

If you do want to come and play, let Liz know I sent you to get the discount.  Make sure you can get there by the afternoon of August 15th.  Then, let me know you’re coming too!

I’m excited!

Dream BIG!

Velma Gallant
The Queen of JOY!

PS ~ If you’re not sure if it’s for you, make sure you listen to her show.  If you enjoy the show, you’ll enjoy the workshop.