Heal Your Body, Heal Your Mind, Heal Your Spirit

921440_91277389 Another fabulous weekend! It was a long weekend here in Canada. Next weekend is the long weekend for my friends in the US.

I enjoyed the weekend by digging my fingers into the dirt! It took my mind off of the workout my physiotherapist put me through on Friday. I’m taking care of healing my knees, which is long over due. 

If you’re familiar with Louise Hay’s work, knees have to do with pride and ego.  Specifically:

Stubborn ego and pride. Inability to bend. Fear. Inflexibility. Won’t give in.

There are many aspects of this that I have healed, and I know there is more room for healing. 

I believe that our body, mind and spirit are connected, and when we heal one, we create the opening for healing in the others.  All the work I have done to this point created the opening for the healing of the physical, and by healing the physical, I heal more deeply with my mind and spirit.

My determination to heal is strong too.  He’s given me homework in the gym, and I have been doing it faithfully.  He has me rolling on this foam roller on the outside of each thigh.  It hurts!  I’m ready to cry every time!  I know this will ease, and I want the gift on the other side bad enough that I’m willing to do it, in spite of the pain.

Anyway, after Friday’s workout on the legs, I was so sore I could hardly walk up my stairs!  I was a sight!  I was laughing at myself with every step I took.  I was sore by Friday evening, and even more sore on Saturday!  Working in the dirt was a little challenging, but the stretching was good.

I cleaned out the weeds in the area I am now calling my garden.  I’ll be planting tomatoes and more over the next few days.

Today we cleared out the weeds in the front flower bed and planted some beautiful flowers there, plus a few planters of flowers as well.  The weekend was on the cooler side, which is normal for the May long weekend.  It made it very easy to work in the garden.  I’m pretty sure we’re past the frost.

It’s been a lot of fun, and it’s felt sooooo good to get my fingers in the dirt again.  I’m wonderfully grounded to begin the week.

This year I bring my body into balance, to further enhance and deepen the balance I have been bringing into my mind and spirit.

Where in your life do you see an opening for more balance?  Are you seeing a connection with areas for healing in your body?  Are you looking for more balance between your mind, body and spirit? What’s one step you can see today to bring you there?

Dream BIG!

Velma Gallant
The Queen of JOY!

PS ~ This week’s Welcome Changes Radio guest is Lisa Peck, the Step It Up Queen.  Join us Tuesday at 1PM Eastern for a GREAT show!

Love is in the Air

This weekend was very special for me, in a lot of ways.

I celebrated with a dear friend as she married her dashing and loving partner.  I didn’t know anyone at this event, but this friend meant a lot to me so I went.  The room was over-filled with love.  I’m all about Family, and this was an “all about family” experience.  This friend’s family embraced me and made me feel so welcome.  There were here in a room full of people they knew and love, and yet they took the time to make me feel safe and welcome.  Though I am extremely grateful for their kindness, I’m not surprised.  This friend is the same way.  That’s why we hit it off so well.  Our highest values are the same.  Family above all else.

Another dear friend had a birthday party for her eldest son.  I wasn’t able to go to this as it was the same day as the wedding.  I was so sad.  Her children are like my own, and our children have grown up together.  My son and husband went to his birthday.  I didn’t think he’d really care if I was there or not.  His friend was there and that’s what was important.  I spoke with my friend that night, and apparently I was missed.  Of course, I’m such a mush-head I cried on the phone.  I mattered to an 11 year old.

We also celebrated the 50th Anniversary of my husband’s parents.  It’s not very usual to come across this anymore.  It was a very important event.  I spent all last week compiling photos from the family’s history to make a DVD for his parents.  Yes, I cried when I watched the finished product.  Unfortunately the facility that we had the dinner at didn’t have a DVD player to share it with everyone there, so after the dinner we went back to the parent’s place and watched it with them and my husband’s oldest sister.  My intention was that everyone would walk away feeling good about what they saw, and enjoy the memories.  We all wanted his parents to feel honoured and appreciated. 

All in all it was an amazing weekend, filled with love.  I am truly grateful for all the many blessings in my life.  Like you, I’m following a road that goes up and down, with many unexpected twists.  Weekends like this bring things back into perspective. 

The only truly important thing is THIS moment, and I want to fill my NOW moments with Family and Love.

Dream BIG!

Velma Gallant
The Queen of JOY!

PS ~ This week’s guest on Welcome Changes Radio is Jennifer Skiff.  We’ll be speaking about her book, God Stories.  I hope you can make it.  I have a feeling it’s going to be a very special show.

Roll With It

Last week I was offline.  I wasn’t supposed to be. The company that I have my internet and more through had made a mistake, and I was cut off.

This makes things challenging when most of what I do is done over the internet. 

I wibble wabbled back and forth for the 3 1/2 days I was offline.  I was angry.  I was grateful.  I was upset and vocal.  I was calm and grounded.

Sure I was angry I couldn’t connect to the internet and get most of my work done, but I was grateful they didn’t cut me off until after my radio show. 

I spent some relaxing moments on the couch reading Dr. Meg Blackburn’s book, getting ready for the next Welcome Changes Radio show.

I tweeted from my new smart phone that I had finished setting up the day before my internet stopped working.  Again, I was grateful for the evidence that I am always cared for.

Every day I talked to someone else. Tomorrow I’ll be hooked up. Tomorrow would come and nothing would happen.  Finally Thursday night when I wasn’t up and running again like promised, I was getting angry with and apologizing to a technician.  I apologized to him because he didn’t cause the problem, but I was angry with the company.  He escalated my issue to a manager.  Finally!

Afterwards I phoned my friend to vent.  “You’ve done all the leg work, but did you ask for what you want energetically?”  Uh…no!  Not that I spent the whole time griping, I didn’t.  I did spend time expressing gratitude for the quiet time, knowing I’m always cared for, and more, but I didn’t once say what I wanted.

I wanted a manager that was helpful.  I wanted to be compensated for my down time, and I wanted more than the “here’s a refund for the 3 days you’ve been down”.  I wanted it to be fixed quickly and properly.

The manager was helpful and sent out a technician to my residence.  I liked the technician.  I felt like he was going to bat for me.  I kept hearing “That’s NOT what the customer wanted!”  I eventually found out that some changes they made 3 months ago were not done properly, which is what caused the months of billing issues I was having and the eventual disconnecting of my internet and phone.  Yes, Friday came around and I didn’t have my business line anymore either.  It was a comedy of errors.

No matter what happened, I rolled with it.

I was thanked by the technician for being so patient and calm.  I had a technician that HEARD me and what I needed, and took care of it.  It took him 3 hours of being on the phone going from person to person until he found someone who could do what was needed, but he did it.  I received appropriate compensation.  My time was valued.

This week is going to be busy.  I’ll be putting what I learned from last week’s guest, Neil Fiore, to work.  It would be too easy to move into overwhelm, which then moves into procrastination.  Today I picked my top tasks and rolled with them.

Whether it’s the events of your life, or a long list of to-do’s, a great skill to cultivate is rolling with it. 

What CAN you do? What IS good about this? What ARE you grateful for?

Keep on Rolling!

Dream BIG!

Velma Gallant
The Queen of JOY!

EARTH the Final Frontier

These are YOUR voyages on this blue marble we call Earth.

This Summer Liz Mitten Ryan has some very special Retreats available to you, and I wanted to share this video with you.

I’ve had the honour of interviewing Liz twice on Welcome Changes Radio, as well as reading her books and watching the DVD series. 

Her Retreat is on my vision board, and while I have almost made it there, twice, divine timing has not arrived yet.

Is it your time?

Watch the video.  If it resonates for you, contact Liz through http://equinisity.com and register.  Please let her know who sent you.


Dream BIG!

Velma Gallant
The Queen of JOY!
Host of Welcome Changes Radio

The Top of the Mountain: Overcoming Stressful Situations

I can see it!  I can see the top of the Mountain!  I’m almost there!

I’m feeling those statements now, but it wasn’t that long ago when the top of the mountain seemed unreachable.

I’ve been through enough stressful situations to know that the belief that the mountain is unreachable is not true.  I always reach the top, though not always quickly.  Some mountains took years to climb.

I’m sure you’ve had those too.  I’ve also learned over the years that I am never alone.  There is always someone who has gone before me, and there are others who will follow.

Each mountain gives something different.

Sometimes it’s the realization that it wasn’t a mountain after all.  It was just a hill.  It was me that was feeling small.

Other times the mountain was big, and along with a bigger mountain came bigger gifts.  Sometimes it’s the celebration and acknowledgement of overcoming something big.  Most times it’s noticing huge personal growth, and becoming bigger than the mountain.

For me, with this experience, it was noticing how small I was making myself, plus some growing as well.  My mountain became small quickly!

If you’re in a stressful situation now, check in. 

Are you allowing yourself to feel smaller than you truly are? 

Where are you ready to grow? 

What shifts or steps are you willing to take to allow yourself to expand beyond this situation?

Are there things you are hanging onto that are no longer serving you?

How can you support yourself in the mean time, while things are shifting?

Stressful Situations are simply times of change that we either didn’t expect, or we were avoiding.

The stress during these Transitional Times can be lowered by moving with the change rather than pushing against the change.

If something’s not working, there’s usually a good reason for it.  You may be holding onto something that is not serving anymore.  You may be avoiding moving in a direction that would be of valuable. 

Either way, it’s clear that a change needs to happen.

You get to choose.  Fight Change or Welcome Change.