Yesterday I spoke with my dear friend and mentor, Dr. Christopher Henley. I wanted to share with her what I’ve been up to and where I’m going. I said I was looking for support with my Vision (read approval).
I laugh now, because as I was sharing my Vision, she would say to me, “I knew that”. She’s always seen through the “Me” I present to the world right to the core where the “True Me” lives. I received my approval, and then some.
Divine has been sharing with me that the only approval I need is from Divine, and I already have that. Yet, as I reach out for support with my Vision I notice how my “Little Me” sneaks its requirement for approval in there.
I watch as my “Little Me” voice pops in and out with my “True Me” voice. I can actually hear the difference. The tone of voice is different. The choice of words is different. The energy is completely different.
When my “Little Me” speaks up, my body tightens; my breathing changes and I begin to stutter. I go into details and how’s for the Vision.
When my “True Me” speaks up, my body loosens; my breathing evens out and my words flow. The focus is no longer on me and the how’s. The focus is on the Vision. The energy is of excitement and is expansive.
Then, as if taken over by the “True Me”, and my “Little Me” gasps in the background, out comes the BIG Vision, the Vision that includes Me in a BIG way. Yes, the Vision I was originally speaking of included me, but this BIG Vision goes beyond. It feels so right, and yet causes my “Little Me” clear distress that leaves her mouth and eyes wide open in shock and fear.
After I shared these Visions (both the Current Vision and the BIG Vision) with her, and she gave me her “I knew that” statement, she immediately set out a series of tasks for me, which I am following.
First, she suggested I create a page on Facebook for the Vision. CHECK!
Second, she suggested I write about the Journey for this Vision. CHECK! (You’re reading the beginning of this.)
Third, she suggested I begin speaking with people about this Vision. What is it, and most importantly, why is it? Who else do they know that I can talk to about this Vision?
I can see multiple reasons for this speaking with people about the Vision.
I am Speaking into the Vision. The more I speak into the Vision, the more Energy I give it. The more Energy I give it, the closer it gets to Reality.
The more I speak to others about the Vision, the more witnesses there are to the Vision. The more Eyes seeing the Vision, the more Energy the Vision is given.
I believe it’s Quantum Physics that speaks to how important the Witness is to Form. I’ll bet that Henry Ford spoke about his Vision to others, and by doing so accelerated it being brought into physical reality. If he would have left his Vision in his mind, and never allowed it out of his mouth, there would not be a Ford Motor Company now!
I have a list of people to speak to, both physically and virtually.
I choose to Speak into the Vision, and allow others to Witness it too. I will support my “Little Me” through the discomfort as well.
It will be interesting to see who will choose to bear witness to this Vision.
It’s going to be an amazing Journey. I know I will learn so much along the way.
Join me as I reveal my Vision, and the Journey that follows.
Do you have a BIG Vision too? Has your “True You” been nudging you to Speak Into your Vision? Has your “Little You” been sharing its fears?
Follow along with me and set your Vision free!
Dream BIG!
Velma Gallant
The Queen of JOY!