I can see it! I can see the top of the Mountain! I’m almost there!
I’m feeling those statements now, but it wasn’t that long ago when the top of the mountain seemed unreachable.
I’ve been through enough stressful situations to know that the belief that the mountain is unreachable is not true. I always reach the top, though not always quickly. Some mountains took years to climb.
I’m sure you’ve had those too. I’ve also learned over the years that I am never alone. There is always someone who has gone before me, and there are others who will follow.
Each mountain gives something different.
Sometimes it’s the realization that it wasn’t a mountain after all. It was just a hill. It was me that was feeling small.
Other times the mountain was big, and along with a bigger mountain came bigger gifts. Sometimes it’s the celebration and acknowledgement of overcoming something big. Most times it’s noticing huge personal growth, and becoming bigger than the mountain.
For me, with this experience, it was noticing how small I was making myself, plus some growing as well. My mountain became small quickly!
If you’re in a stressful situation now, check in.
Are you allowing yourself to feel smaller than you truly are?
Where are you ready to grow?
What shifts or steps are you willing to take to allow yourself to expand beyond this situation?
Are there things you are hanging onto that are no longer serving you?
How can you support yourself in the mean time, while things are shifting?
Stressful Situations are simply times of change that we either didn’t expect, or we were avoiding.
The stress during these Transitional Times can be lowered by moving with the change rather than pushing against the change.
If something’s not working, there’s usually a good reason for it. You may be holding onto something that is not serving anymore. You may be avoiding moving in a direction that would be of valuable.
Either way, it’s clear that a change needs to happen.
You get to choose. Fight Change or Welcome Change.